Appointment Request
Here at Vive we love to see full families getting adjusted together and parents showing their kids how to stay healthier in a holistic manner.
More and more research is showing that our genes actually are NOT as big of a factor as lifestyle and environmental stressors. Often, when we see illnesses and diseases continuing throughout a family lineage, we have to assess those lifestyle and environmental issues. As adults we tend to live and raise our kids the way we were raised; in the same environment, eating the same comfort foods, and enjoying the same activities. Many times, in order to make a change to our habits it takes a big commitment and a big reason why we want to change – which for most of us is our children and wanting to be around as long as possible to see them thrive. Our children are watching and more importantly learning from our eating, exercise, and emotional habits. How we show our children we care about our health, wellness, and longevity matters! Families that get adjusted together tend to respond quicker and their results are longer lasting. For this reason we have special family pricing to ensure that your entire family can reap the benefits of chiropractic care together!
Welcome to Vive Family Chiropractic in Jefferson! We would love to have your family be a part of ours.
I'm Ready!