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An exciting time filled with enormous changes, pregnancy also can come with a variety of aches and pains, morning sickness and more. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help make your pregnancy a more enjoyable experience.
When should I start coming in for care? Chiropractic can be beneficial at every stage of pregnancy, but if you start coming in for care as soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you can feel good throughout your pregnancy. Chiropractic also may help with fertility issues.
The uterus attaches to the tailbone and the front of the abdomen. So when there are changes in spinal alignment, it’s going to change the way the uterus is placed within the body – causing intrauterine constraint. When mom gets adjusted, nervous system interference is removed, and her baby has room to move around and get into proper birth position on their own. Mom’s reproductive system will also be optimized so she can grow a healthy baby and have a healthy pregnancy.
Dr. Leah is the only chiropractor within 25 miles of Jefferson certified in Webster Technique which is a technique that keeps intrauterine growth symmetrical. She also uses special pregnancy pillows to make the adjustment as comfortable as possible and accommodates for change.
Enjoy a happier and healthier pregnancy with drug-free chiropractic care. Contact Vive Family Chiropractic today to book an appointment!
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