Appointment Request

First off, congratulations to you and your growing family! We are so excited for you. If you are newly pregnant you may be wondering: When should I begin Chiropractic care?

That is a great question. Ideally, we’d love to see you as soon as possible because (as you already know) large changes are taking place within your body even though your baby is only  the size of a blueberry. We may be able to help with morning sickness, heartburn, extreme fatigue, headaches, and other common symptoms in early pregnancy.

As your pregnancy progresses and it becomes more visible to the outside world, it is important to make sure your hips, sacrum, ligaments, muscles, and uterus all stay in proper alignment. This can be difficult with quick growth and the production of the pregnancy hormone, Relaxin. It is important to stay in proper position not only for your comfort, but also to help baby lie comfortably and optimally for proper growth and eventual labor. Labor tends to be quicker and easier when your bones, ligaments, and muscles are in the correct position for labor.

Pregnancy also brings stress, anxiety, and worry about those much-loved little ones and, let’s be honest, fear of the pain from labor and the nervousness of the unknown. Especially if you have been through a pregnancy, labor, or delivery that did not go like the movies show (they rarely do!). We understand – we have been there and felt that! Those stress hormones unfortunately pass very easily through the placenta. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to keep your nervous system in a balanced state. We do that by adjusting as well as discussing your birth/pregnancy plan, your hesitations, and your worries.

Support through this big life change is huge and we will continually be there for you.

Dr. Leah is certified in the Webster Technique, which is a specific adjusting protocol and analysis for pregnant women. It is extremely important to be adjusted by a chiropractor who has a specialized certification during this time. In order to find someone certified in your area, you may search the ICPA directory here:

We are honored to be a part of your growing family!



Welcome to Vive Family Chiropractic in Jefferson! We would love to have your family be a part of ours.

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